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Can you talk about your experience with Indian sandalwood and what it evokes for you?

Sandalwood is by far one of my favourite woody notes. It is faceted in that it is rich, creamy, diffusive, strong, smells expensive and it goes with a lot of different notes – florals, woods, citrus (depending on how you dose it in). It's just a beautiful note.

You will find that a little bit goes a long way and it provides fragrances with a nuanced naturality. It certainly provides the most bang for your buck due to its longevity and therapeutic qualities.

It's similar to ingredients like rose, you simply can't get enough of a good quality note.

What are the technical/creative elements you are looking for with each submission?

This is hard to answer for me – we are looking for something that smells of sandalwood, something that's wearable and unique. The type of fragrance where - when we smell it, we'll know it.

How do you think this competition will benefit the fragrance industry/ASP?

It provides the ASP with the opportunity to focus on younger/apprentice perfumers. We try to have as many young perfumers as possible! This is their chance to shine with no major restrictions, price limits, constraints or captives.

It's great for Quintis; it's a beautiful way to introduce a beautiful ingredient and to see the many uses of it in formulations. It truly inspires sandalwood to be used in a new way; a win-win for creatives, Quintis and the industry.

Sandalwood is by far one of my favourite woody notes. It is faceted in that it is rich, creamy, diffusive, strong, smells expensive and it goes with a lot of different notes – florals, woods, citrus (depending on how you dose it in). It's just a beautiful note.

Vince Kuczinski